Documentary Serenade of a legend does justice to Jorge Rodríguez Sr.


The president of the Villa del Cine Jorge Antonio Gómez, presented the documentary Serenata de una Leyenda in the Cinemateca Nacional co-produced with Asociación Oro Rojo which claims Jorge Rodríguez Padre for people and cultural institutions.

"We have succeeded in shaping this project with the help of those who have lived and made this story of the 50s, 60s and 70s who are still struggling in our day-the ideas and teachings. important that this documentary be seen by the new generations to understand the why of many things, "he said.

He added that at 42 years of the despicable murder of Jorge Rodríguez Sr. lead the screen shake the thought and the idea to make us understand the situation we are living. "They are cyclical moments that the history of our country knows."

He announced that the first will take place on July 25 with those who accompanied Jorge Rodríguez Sr. in these years of struggle, taking the voice of people who reflect the Jorge Rodríguez friend, brother and father .

El Documental

An audiovisual material, produced by Belinda Vivas and directed by José Luis Pacheco, members of the association, whose mission is the contemporary history of A controversial and different point of view.

"They told us an official story with a lot of hump, which is why we started to fill these gaps by telling stories," said Pacheco

adding that Jorge Rodríguez, who draws material, shows something more than militancy, thanks to the evidence found.It is portrayed as a friend with a sense of fascinating humor.


Pacheco commented that the film will last about 48 minutes, and will not have a traditional story.The thread of history will be linked to clippings recounting the facts and testimonies of those who have is part of his life.

He added that the screenplay originally had fictional scenes, but that the dynamics made it less necessary, even though some work was done with these shots to have a format more extensive equipment.

Audiovisual material will show Several stages of the path traveled by Rodríguez, who was involved in hiding and then go on to form an official party where he led, seeking to discuss issues in different political actors, such as unionized workers, peasant movements, among others.

It tells the student struggle, when he was president of the Federation of University Centers, through the Youth of Democratic Action, then the Movement of the Revolutionary Left in the 60s, reaching the armed struggle, but he also shows

After his death on July 25, 1976, and during the funeral, which began in the Aula Magna of UCV and moved to the South General Cemetery, the collective It was attacked by the security forces and dispersed by tear gas bombs, images that will be presented in the documentary Serenade to a legend.

Sources of Research

Before Filming He made a search, using various sources, hemiographic and bibliographical, as well as the book The Thought of Jorge Rodríguez, where are quoted some Revolutionary speeches and published after his sowing, as well as videographic sources, as the documentary Manantial subversive and alive sources with characters who embodied a part of his revolutionary struggle, such as David Nieves, Julio Escalona and Jesús Martínez.

The director reported that when contacting Jorge Rodriguez's combat partners, most of them had a positive response and showed their disposition by saying, "for Jorge does not matter", which made them realize that everyone had a great desire to show their great friend
"Some also expressed that it was too early to talk about it, despite the fact that more than 40 years have passed since brutal murder, "added Pacheco.

He also pointed out that there are things that are expressed that are very difficult to remember, such as the acts of torture to which they submitted Jorge Rodríguez, with the sole mission to take his life.

Musical Work

The director adds that, in the resources used in the film, to acclimatize the dramatic events, because of the concussion that it meant for his companions and the collective in general the sowing of "Carorita", as they called a part of his cone The Caracas Municipal Symphony Orchestra (OSMC) was responsible for the soundtrack of the documentary, under the direction of maestro Rodolfo Saglimbeni.

"We were working on a very moving musical repertoire, or that is what we are waiting for, because final the film is going to be a dialogue with the audience, they will be qualified," added Pacheco

In the repertoire is the Guillermina theme, an oriental tune that says that Aquiles Nazoa heard a village woman singing, and that this is a direct reference to the protagonist's musical tastes. The theme is interpreted, in the documentary, by the young woman of Merida, Antonieta Peña, accompanied by the OSMC.


The locations used for filming were key spaces where important historical events took place. For example, the San Carlos Barracks, located in the parish of Altagracia, where the year before the death of Rodriguez escaped through a 23 revolutionary tunnel of different parties such as Bandera Roja, the Revolutionary Party Venezuelan, who reached a high level of Boyac's point of view, located in Cota Mil, where they recorded the impressions of Jesús Martínez and Quinta de Anauco, a space in which they gathered part of the testimony offered by David Nieves , both comrades. by Jorge Antonio Rodríguez

Dedications to the People's Man

There have been several tributes that have been made to this man, who has contributed and continues to contribute to the youth, through his Inheritance, a thought of social equality and tireless struggle, and this film shows two of these materials, such as the poem that he wrote and recited Jorge Rodríguez son ​​at the same time. burial of his father, with only 11 years old and who reread the previous year, at the end of 40 years of his sowing, moment that was captured by the Villa del Cine to include in the audiovisual, and the musical theme of the singer Gloria Martín, dedicated to Jorge Antonio Rodríguez, who is also present in the production, and who not only tells the militant experience, but also shows the young humanist and visionary.

Villa del cine

José Luis Pacheco shared the work in collaboration with Villa del Cine, a film complex located in Guarenas, where a perfect interface was made between this filmmaker who has a world in his head and all the technical and technological management Today, the making of a film is a must.

"The climate of work lived in the city is a passion for what is being done, and it is undoubtedly stimulating," he said.

Villa del Cine presided over by Jorge Antonio Gómez was the muscle producer, director and post-producer of Serenata a legend, who disassembles part of Venezuelan history invibilizada

the seventh art

Jose Luis Pacheco said that very soon they will work on another film to tell another part of the Venezuelan history, just like the robbery of the barracks of San Carlos, which took place in 1975, The documentary of Rodríguez

The filmmaker and director declared that the cinema is a language in which a reality is expressed, what happens and what the director feels at a moment of his life.

the identity is always Now we are the artists who have the commitment to look for it, "he said referring to the interest of telling this Venezuelan story [19659002VerysoontheofficialpremiereofthedocumentarywillrevealtherealitiesofthelifeoffatherJorgeRodríguezandthataccordingtothedirectorwillgiveamessagemainlytotheVenezuelanyouthwhobelieveintheprocessesoftransformationinordertoachievetheSocialequality

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