Does WhatsApp limit the number of messages that can be transferred?


After implementing a change that allows to know if the message that a contact publishes in a chat has been transferred from another conversation, WhatsApp decided to initiate another action to avoid the circulation of false news in the popular application.

Now users of WhatsApp who use the popular application to transfer messages to a large number of groups will notice that the application has put in place a restriction that prevents d & # 39; send content to more than 20 groups at the same time.

Through this measure, the application that belongs to a Facebook attempts to diminish the controversial controversial controversy that she faces in India, around the false news related to the 39; alleged use of WhatsApp for the trafficking of minors in India.

"A few years ago, we added a function to WhatsApp which allows to transfer a message to several cats at the same time time to run a test to limit the transfer that will be applied to all those who use WhatsApp.We believe that these changes, which we will continue to evaluate, will help to maintain WhatsApp as it was designed : a private messaging application ", indicates a publication made on the official blog of WhatsApp .

According to a communication of WhatsApp in India, where the application has 200 million users ] is the area of ​​the world where most messages are sent , photos and videos so in this country it will be tested with a lower limit to five cats and from elsewhere it will remove the button of & # 39; fast forward & # 39; next to multimedia messages

A few weeks ago, Indian police asked the public to ignore the false rumors circulating on WhatsApp about traffickers Children, who caused deaths and several wounded

According to the messages, 300 traffickers allegedly arrived in Gujarat to kidnap children and then sell them information that triggered several assaults in different cities of this state of western India.

"Do not get carried away by fake messages or rumors on social networks and do not attack anyone by suspicion " asked the police in a statement. 19659002] In recent years, there have been similar incidents in India, where rumors spread by WhatsApp eventually caused lynchings.

In the city of Ahemdabad, a hundred people were attacked a 45-year-old beggar, Shantadevi Nath, and three other women after being accused of belonging the "gangs" of traffickers described in the messages.

" The crowd began to punch and kick Some even hit them with sticks and pulled their hair, which caused serious injuries to Shantadevi and less serious to the other three, "a police officer told the international press. [ad_2]
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