Dólar was ubicó in Bs 4.100 lasting the última subasta del Dicom


15th of April 2019 10:24 PM
Actualizado el 15 de abril de 2019 22:44 PM

The Banco Central de Venezuela informs that it is in the Ultima subasta of divisas, the tasa del dólar Dicom was used in Bs 4.100.

The cifra represented a devaluación del Bolívar respecto al dólar of 23,53% respecto to the útlima cotización of the divisa cuando s'ubicaba in Bs 3,318,86.

The total value is 4.82 dollars per month and 0.16 dollars per annum.

El Banco Mundial establishes the line of the highest grossing social rate in the world, up to 3.10 dollars, and 20% more than the total amount in the country.

Para ver the contribution oficial del dólar ingrese whose

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