Downcast seven of the group "El Mariachi"


Eligio Rojas.- Seven members of the group " El Mariachi" died during a confrontation that they held with the Force's officers. Special Actions (Faes) of the Bolivarian National Police in the population of the Council (Ara), said the sources of the security agency.

Up to now, the identity of the deceased has not been specified, but three of them are nicknamed "The Mente", "El Zurdo" and "El Perico" . "The clash took place Saturday afternoon in the street Julio Bracho, Ciudad Tablita sector, of the city of Aragüeño

" The subjects in question carrying firearms clashed with the police commission ", adds the police report, that the offenders were injured and taken to a health center where they died.

In the area where the skirmish took place, six pistols and a shotgun without visible mark or series were found

"It owes its name to a younger brother of Pedro Moctezuma (" El Pedrito "), who is the leader of the gang dedicated to theft and theft of vehicles, to the collection of vaccines and displacement of persons in specific sectors of the Council. [19659002] In La Vega

In another incident, this time in Los Cangilones of La Vega, municipality of Libertador, David Pérez (22) died of a chest shot in his chest. At the time of the incident, Pérez was in the El Combate sector of the aforementioned Caracas Parish, where he was taken away by several men, one of whom shot him. Then they mounted him in a vehicle with a Cicpc ID who left him in the emergency room of Miguel Pérez Carreño hospital where he died. The deceased had a court-ordered homicide scheme, said the family member.

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