E-sport continues to knock on the doors of the Olympic Games


E-sport, which continues to dream of being part of the Olympic Games, is the star of a forum organized Saturday in Lausanne at the initiative of the International Olympic Committee ( CIO ), whose sponsors Intel and Alibaba are important players in a sector with enormous potential.

The IOC itself considers it: "The objective of this forum is not to determine the possibilities of the electronic sport being part of the Olympic Games, but is studying the synergies between the two worlds and explores the opportunities " explains to AFP Kit McConnell, director of sports of the IOC.

IOC President Thomas Bach is stepping up his efforts towards a growing community characterized by his youth, at a time when the public of the Olympic Games is aging.

Last week, Bach appeared in an IOC Twitter message in the company of two e-sportsmen of Ofesionales, one of whom was the German Kai "Deto" Wollin, world champion of the game "FIFA" from Playstation.

Last April, during a trip to India, Bach, not excluding that e-sports could be a day Olympic discipline, put a series of conditions: "The red line would be in the games bloody videos, which promote violence or contain a kind of discrimination (…) They could not be recognized as members of the Olympic movement since would be contrary to our values ​​and principles. "

The questions that arise are, in fact, many: which games to choose and which ones to discard? Is eSports a sport? Do the practitioners respect the rules imposed on athletes, including doping controls? Such questions and situations will be discussed Saturday at the forum organized by the IOC and the International Sports Federation Association ()] GAISF )

Requirement of a unique federation

Before electronic sport can be seen in the Olympic Games, it will have to meet a number of criteria that Olympic sports must meet. "One of the first criteria is that a sport must be submitted to a unique and recognized federation," recalls McConnell.

It is not like that today. There is an International Federation of Electronic Sports, based in Busan (South Korea), but it is far from encompassing all the players, no matter how much it claims to have 46 member nations, half of which are Asian

"Each publisher has the rights to his game and thus plays his own role of international federation", explains Nicolas Pidancet, Swiss sector specialist and organizer of the Geneva Gaming Convention.

Saturday, there will be tables rounds in which they will participate big names in e-sports, such as Twitch, the streaming channel and VOD (video on demand) video games, recently purchased by Amazon for nearly 1,000 millions of US dollars ( 861 million euros ) Also Intel and Alibaba, important IOC sponsors and historical actors of e-sport.

IOC members and Inter Federations Nationals can also meet electronic sports stars like Kim Geguri "Se-yeon" or major game publishers like Riot Games or Blizzard Entertainment. Or with the powerful Electronic Sports League ( ESL ) and the South-E-Sports Association ( KeSPA ).

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