Eating animal biscuits brings health benefits


Scientists from Autonomous University of Mexico (Unam) They discovered that eating the famous pet biscuits brings health benefits.

As long as you do it moderately, some of the nutrients in the combination of ingredients will help rejuvenate the skin and strengthen the bones.

These biscuits accompanied us in our childhood and we now know that it is a type of carbohydrate that serves as a source of energy.

According to a study published in the Mexican media, if you consume 24, it represents 113 calories. Debate.

These sweet pieces help prevent anemia because they have a high iron content that facilitates the transport of oxygen through the blood and improves the production of hemoglobin in our body.

Another component is magnesium which helps to improve the level of the muscles, also vitamin D which prevents osteoporosis.

Your contribution Vitamin C makes them an elixir of youth, this promotes the absorption of iron in the body and thus allows the rejuvenation of the skin.

But remember that the consumption of these cookies must be moderate and must also be combined with fruits, vegetables, cereals and nuts if the goal is to contribute to a healthy diet for our body.

In addition, these contributions work if you are exercising.


* With information from the Republic

November 28, 2018, 0:11

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