Economic policies have not been enough to stabilize the country


Caracas.- The former Foreign Trade Minister, constituent and economist, Jesús Faría, considers that the crisis situation in Venezuela is not due to the mistakes that were made during the so-called "Bolivarian Revolution", but acknowledged that the policies that the government has promoted to deal with the economic debacle "have not been effective."

"I believe that what is happening in the country is not fundamentally due to the mistakes we have made.What is happening is the result of what has been done against our country and our policies do not exist. have not been effective in countering this situation (…). We must reduce inflation which is already hyperinflation.And to stop hyperinflation and stabilize prices, we must develop a set of Initiatives " he declared.

Although he insists on the existence of the" economic war "and that the government made a" big effort "to stop the "attacks", he reiterated that the policies adopted were not sufficient and did not have effect. "What we have done is not enough and when you face to a crisis and you have no results, you must change the policies, your method of work " he declared in a interview for Union Radio.

For this reason, Faría, who was in charge of the Foreign Trade portfolio until June 2017, pointed out that it is imperative to give a "tug" to the economy national, since the "urgency" is based on the approach of the economic question.

"It is no longer a question of time in its political measurement of the search for consensus or clarification, it is the same reality that imposes the need to act with force ", note .

To this end, he argues, a" free exchange market "should to be established since, in his opinion, the exchange control "has exhausted all its lights." "The control makes it possible to correctly manage the currencies, to affect them to economic factors and we have not no need to allocate them, "he said.

" If control was exhausted, we had to put in place another mechanism, that we like it or not, it's a matter of desire, it's a matter of reality and the only thing to do is to release that rate of change ",

He bet the constituent to" create a free market, more transparent, legal, where the actors could develop their activities in a much more solvent, clear and quiet and if we do the right things, that (the parallel dollar) it will stabilize at a much lower level. "

He added that" the situation has continued to deteriorate and that it must be resolved because we are committed to meeting the needs of the people and defending the fate of the revolution, because there is no problem also the destiny of the country like that. "

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