Ecuador called its ambassador for consultations on Maduro's statements


The Ecuadorian government sent "formal protest notes" on Wednesday to Bolivia and Venezuela, after presidents Evo Morales and Nicolás Maduro criticized the demand for arrest and detention of the former President Rafael Correa, involved in the kidnapping. of a former legislator

In a press statement, the Ecuadorian Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Valencia, announced that "formal notes of protest" were presented and that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was summoned to the ambassadors of the country. Venezuela and Bolivia in Quito.

He also said that Ecuador's ambassador to Bolivia had been requested to return to the country to solve the problem and that the transfer to Venezuela of the new diplomatic envoy in that country had been suspended.

The President of Bolivia, in his Twitter account, rejected the request for pre-trial detention against Correa and denounced an alleged "politicization of justice" and the alleged interference US in the action in justice.

"We reject the request of the Ecuadorian Prosecutor's Office for preventive detention against the former president of this country, Brother Mashi Rafael We denounce the politicization of the Ecuadorian justice and American interference in the Intention to imprison an innocent .We are with you, brother.Correa¡ Venceremos! ", Writes Morales

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, also stated that behind the judicial proceedings against Correa there is had a "persecution" that extended to other progressive leaders in the region, such as former presidents. from Argentina Cristina Fernández and Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

"First Cristina.Then Lula.Now Rafael Correa.Continue persecution against the authentic rulers of our America.The Bolivarian Revolution is in solidarity with the people of Ecuador and Mashi Rafael (Rafael Correa)," Maduro said through his Twitter account.

Morales and Maduro were allies of Correa during his administration (2007-2017) and shared with He called the ideology of "21st Century Socialism".

After demanding respect from the authorities of these friendly countries, the Ecuadorian Government emphasized that the country's judicial function enjoyed full independence and acted within the internal normative framework. 19659004] The Minister of Foreign Affairs Valencia described the situation as an "attempt to discredit the democratic institutional framework of Ecuador."

"We demand as a democratic government the respect of neighboring governments for our division of powers and work that the power of the head of justice progresses," he added.

The Ecuadorian diplomatic chief warned that "any questioning of court decisions goes against incipios of the rule of law and full justice, full democracy, this rule in our country. "

Correa said Tuesday that the preventive detention order imposed the same day by his country's National Court of Justice is part of a political" conspiracy "known for months

The Supreme Court has accepted the request of the Attorney General's Office to ask Interpol for the arrest and extradition of Correa, after ignoring the injunction to appear Monday in Quito.

Judge Daniella Camacho ordered pre-trial detention at a special hearing during which the precautionary measures imposed on the former president were revised on June 18 after being criminally linked to the case of Former legislator Fernando Balda in Bogotá, in August 2012.

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