Ecuadorian Parliament rejects Morales and Maduro's statements on Correa | In the world


  Photo: Courtesy

Photo: Courtesy


The National Assembly of Ecuador on Tuesday rejected statements made recently by Presidents of Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in support of ex-President Rafael Correa, linked to a judicial case of alleged kidnapping of an opponent in 2012.

With 85 votes, out of 111 legislators present at the plenary session of this Monday, the Assembly rejected the statements of Morales and Maduro to consider them to be prejudicial to sovereignty and l 39; Independence of powers prevailing in Ecuador, according to the Legislative on its web portal.

"The democratic countries that we must defend our laws, the Constitution and sovereignty" and "reject the undemocratic criteria," said the legislator. Suquilanda, supporting the resolution concerning the statements by the Presidents of Bolivia and Venezuela.

"Appointed Presidents must solve the problems of their countries and not involve themselves in Ecuadorian justice," Suquilanda argued in the debate. The approved resolution rejects the statements made by the two presidents who, according to the document, are trying to exert pressure to undermine the principle of sovereignty.

In addition, she argues that Ecuador is a democratic and legal state and stresses that the country is based on the principles of sovereignty and self-determination.

Similarly, lawmakers urged the country's judicial function to continue its work in an independent and law-abiding manner without pressure or interference. For his part, the legislator Juan Cárdenas, close to Correa, described the resolution as "nonsense" to gain notoriety, but César Rohon, of the right, said that it is necessary to apply the Constitution and the Act that clearly condemn the interference of states in the internal affairs of each country.

The President of Bolivia, in his Twitter account, rejected last week the application for preventive detention against Correa ordered by an Ecuadorian judge, who linked him to a case of attempted kidnapping in Colombia of ex-legislator Fernando Balda, in 2012.

"We reject the request of the Ecuadorian prosecutor for preventive detention against the former president of this country, Brother Mashi Rafael." We denounce the politicization of Ecuadorian justice and US interference with the intention of imprisoning an innocent.We are with you Fr. Correa Venceremos! ", Morales wrote.

Also the President of Venezuela, said that after the judicial action against Correa there is a "persecution" that extends to other progressive leaders in the region, such as that the exmandatarios of Argentina Cristina Fernández and Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

"First Cristina.Then Lula.Now Rafael Correa.Continue the persecution against the authentic rulers of our America.The Bolivarian Revolution is in solidarity with the people of the Ecuador and Mashi Rafael (Correa), "said Maduro on his Twitter account

Morales and Maduro were allies of Correa during his administration (2007-2017) and shared with him the call L & # 39; ideology of "twenty-first century socialism"

On July 4, the Ecuadorian government sent "formal protest notes" to Bolivia and Venezuela for the statements of their presidents and summoned the ambassadors of those countries. ys in Quito.

Two days later, the Venezuelan government protested to Ecuador by a diplomatic note on the so-called "interventionist positions" in the domestic politics and sovereign decisions of the Caribbean country.


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