Ecuadorian sentenced to thirteen years for prostituting her two daughters | In the world


  Photo: Archive

Photo: Archive | EFE

Ecuadorian was sentenced to thirteen years in prison for the crime of forced prostitution to her two daughters in the coastal province of Manabí (west), the Ecuadorian prosecutor reported.

The two victims lived under the tutelage of a paternal uncle since the death of his father in 2016, and since that year his mother, from 40 and identified as Gloria M. forced them to prostitute themselves The case was denounced by the uncle in 2017 and after verifying the relevant investigations and the evidence of the crime, the ancestor was sentenced to prison, confirmed to Efe a source Carlos Andrés Alarcón prosecutor specializing in transnational and international organized crime, said that among the evidence are the reports of medical experts and gynecological [194590] 07] psychological and social workers, as well as the testimony of victims.


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