Elías Jaua: To be Bolivarian, it's not to betray people


.N .- "Being Bolivarian, it is to be consistent with the ideas, never to betray the people, to be Bolivarian it is to overcome all the difficulties, to think beyond the daily problems , look long into the future and propose goals beyond the moment and reach them, as did Bolivar who arrived in Upper Peru in 1818, "said Tuesday the Minister of Finance. Education Elias Jaua during the broadcast of Encuentro Popular radio station by YVKE Mundial. Jaua called for raising the Bolivarian consciousness in all children and young people and cultivating these values, as well as imitating Bolivar's permanent fighting spirit, "which had an impact on this continent and on the world.We must have the courage that Bolivar had before the greatest difficulties, "he said.

He also urged children, adolescents and teachers to promote the pride of being Venezuelan, to be liberators humility, " that glory we carry in our souls, to be the sons and daughters of liberators from all over South America and the impact it has had throughout our America "he noted. Jaua shared reflections with children, teachers and other guests from the state of Táchira, with whom he reflected, among other topics, on the importance of promoting communication. to inculcate the values ​​of bolivarism.

"We are going to make newspapers, radios, television channels, web pages flourish in every school, we will make communication a fact or human because it is a human right and we can all communicate, "urged Jaua.

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