Emery expects Ramsey to stay at Arsenal | Soccer


The coach of the English Arsenal Unai Emery said after the defeat against Atlético de Madrid on penalties (1-1 and 3-1) that it was not Expects midfielder Aaron Ramsey, now captain of his team, to continue to London club

"I think Aaron is an important player for us, contracts are one thing for the club. and another for the players, but I want him to stay, work with us, make a good performance I think he'll stay with us, "Emery said after the match in Singapore.

The Basque coach said he planned to name five captains at Arsenal and Ramsey, which is in its final year. Regarding the possibility that the director of the English club, Ivan Gazidis, could leave for Italian Milan, Emery said that he only talks with him about Arsenal. [19659003] "We have meetings every day and we are talking about the Arsenal project.We always talk about how to improve.When I arrived here, my first meeting was with Ivan, he is a great person, very good professional and who has a lot of experience in the world of football.I do not know what he will do, because I only talk to him about Arsenal. "

Among the young talents put in placed by the Spanish coach of Arsenal, he pointed to the big goal with the flight and shooting out of the middle of the middle Emile Smith Rowe just after the second half

"These are the times when young people have to show their quality and Emile has done.Historically, Arsenal has worked well with young players, giving them the opportunity to show their quality.Today, I think that everything the world has played well against a great team.What Smith Rowe Mark is good for him and for the team. "// EFE

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