Emma Watson and Megan Markle coincide at Wimbledon | Instagram | UK | Shows


The Wimbledon championship became a major event not only for tennis but also for haute couture and social life with, among others, the presence of Duchesses of Cambridge and Sussex Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle

As a cherry pie and stealth glances, actress Emma Watson was one of the big protagonists of the day. sports and win in the list of the best look of the contest.

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In the pictures, you can see Emma Watson in a white suit consisting of three pieces: jacket, pants and vest, adding to his flawless style of tendrils and a cap the same color as his garment.

On the other hand, thousands of users have immortalized his impressive outfit on various social networks, ndo Instagram the social network that houses the most beautiful pictures of the actress.

According to the specialized media, Emma Watson has won in a majestic way, dressed in white making exception to the players who can not, by strict rules, use this color for their clothes.



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