Emotional meeting between a chimpanzee and its adoptive "parents"


SPAIN.- Touching images of the meeting of a chimpanzee of the Zoological Wildlife Foundation (ZWF) in Miami, United States, with their human caregivers revealed the emotional reaction of the primate, called Limbani

Limbani was born with pneumonia and was rejected by his mother so Jorge and Tania Sánchez took him in charge. Two months ago, Limbani left the house of the couple to be transferred to the Miami Zoo, he published the portal El País

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After being visited by his former guardians, Limbani screams in their arms and his reaction surprises everyone: the chimpanzee runs to kiss Jorge and Tania as soon as he notices Her presence. human intervention and modern medicine he would not be here today. Tania and Jorge may have a few months without seeing him and his reaction is always the same. Limbani is by far the most beloved of the ZWF family "said the zoo via Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Koko, the dead gorilla

On June 21, Koko died, a gorilla who learned to use sign language. He was 46 years old. The Gorilla Foundation today announced with sadness the death of Koko, "according to the research center in a statement, adding that the animal died while sleeping.

Koko was one of the few primates able to communicate using sign language, with Washoe, a chimpanzee in the state of Washington, and Chantek, an orang-utan in Atlanta.His caregivers say that he understood a little

Although some scientists have questioned the supposed communication skills of the gorilla, Koko, who has become an ambassador of her kind, has been threatened by logging and poaching.

The Gorilla Foundation stated that Koko had an impact on the lives of millions of people by becoming an icon of empathy and interspecific communication

. ko ("Girl fireworks" in Japanese) on July 4th let 1971 at the San Francisco Zoo. Dr. Francine "Penny" Patterson started working with her the following year and taught him sign language, according to the foundation.

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