Evo Morales confirmed that he had been operated on to extract a "small tumor"


Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, reappeared Thursday at a public ceremony in the central region of the country, after receiving a medical discharge after an intervention to remove a small tumor that was found at the same time. a routine health check. 19659003] The country's Ministry of Communication reported in a statement that the president attended "the final phase of the ninth version of the Multi-National Student Games", in the city of Shinaota, Bolivia.

The institution released photographs of the state chief with a group of young people and leaders of this tropical area.

According to official reports, Morales entered a clinic in La Paz on Tuesday for routine medical examinations.

The Bolivian president informed via Twitter that "they detected a small tumor" and that he underwent emergency surgery, but "no risk".

The Bolivian leader submitted to the shelter last year, he was operated on to remove a benign tumor from his larynx in a hospital in Havana.

Morales has very rarely suspended for health reasons the intense agenda that he has kept daily since his presidency. 2006. It usually starts with meetings starting at five in the morning and includes trips to different parts of the country.

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