Evo Morales rejects Pompeo's declaration on Venezuela


"We reject the irresponsible statement of the former CIA chief and secretary of the State Department, Mike Pompeo, who insists on his plan of putsch against the democracy of Sister Venezuela," wrote Morales on Twitter

. "There is no morality to speak of freedom".

He also expressed his solidarity with Maduro, "who resists with the revolutionary dignity to the worst coup d'état of the United States."
"In Bolivia, agents of the empire accuse us also dictatorship, recover and manage our natural resources with sovereignty, "added Morales.

Last Thursday, the American Embassy. in Caracas, he issued a statement from Pompeo on the occasion of Venezuela Independence Day

In this text, the US official stresses that "Venezuela is historically at a critical point" and that "Even before a dictatorial regime" Venezuelans they continue to "revitalize the ideals of freedom and equality on which Venezuela was founded."

The Maduro government rejected the statement considering that it "aspires to ignore Venezuelan state institutions", and asked Donald Trump's administration to cease the "illegal and criminal blockade" against the people of Venezuela ". EFE / RA

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