Exercise helps prevent disease | With people


  Photo: Archivo

Photo: Archivo

Redacción 2001

Physical exercise is a fundamental element to maintain good health. This is a premise in which specialists from different disciplines are in agreement.

Now, a new research not only verifies this thesis, but explains the reasons and, more importantly, finds evidence that the benefits are certainly, since ancient times, doctors have been aware of the close relationship that physical exercise and good nutrition nurture with health.

Although it is paradoxical, the use of the body's activity as therapy, has been used until the end of S. XIX more than currently.

The reason for this is that new advances in medicine and other treatments have meant that instead of preventing diseases, doctors will concentrate on curing it

However, there are many specialists who have defended the need for exercise to improve health indexes, thanks to which he has been Increased collective awareness

This reality served as a basis for the creation of fitness chains , such as Gold's Gym which, since its inception, reports that they have focused on promoting physical activity and good eating habits.

Ana Otero, VIP member of Gold's Gymnasium in Venezuela, assures that exercise brings many health benefits. Personally, ensure that this practice helps you sleep better and reduce stress levels. Since your work requires a lot of effort and concentration for several hours a day, exercising in the morning helps you stay active all day and rest better at night.

On the other hand, Otero explains that in it is common to present inflammation in the lumbar region, and by strengthening the muscles of this region, obtained by l 39; Intermediate routines in the gym, pain and swelling have decreased.

Finally, he says this exercise also helps you maintain an adequate level of body weight and fat and have a faster metabolism.

Although we generally hear that physical exercise improves health, new discoveries show that the benefits even go beyond what we thought.

The consequences of a sedentary life are as varied as they are terrible. People with low levels of physical activity are at increased risk of suffering from many types of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and premature death, regardless of the cause.

Type 2 diabetes is also a disease and lack of exercise. Many studies show that their control and prevention depend to a large extent on the amount of exercise practiced.

In the case of osteoporosis, many people think that systematic exercise can damage bones, but the reality is it strengthens them Experts can make sure that the activity Moderate Physics reduces the prevalence of this disease by 17%.

Inactivity can aggravate the symptoms of arthritis, increase lower back pain and lead to depression and depression.

In addition to the heart, muscles, lungs and bones, scientists are discovering that another important beneficiary of exercise might be the brain.

Recent research links physical activity to lower depression. Learning faster.

They also suggest that it helps prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
Contributing to improving health levels, through physical exercise is a core mission of Gold Gym. 19659005] Experts say that it is becoming increasingly obvious that many young, old and pregnant, benefit from exercise. And as scientists learn more about reason, they expect us to focus on putting our bodies in motion.


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