Exxon Mobil increased its estimates at Stabroek Block, Guyana


Exxon Mobil, a North American oil company, said Monday in a statement that it had increased its estimates of recoverable resources from the Starbroek block in Guyana's maritime area to an equivalent of more than $ 4 billion. barrels of oil.

The previous estimate of resources was 3,200,000,000 barrels of crude oil.

"High quality resources combined with the latest generation of executive capabilities will provide benefits to owners, partners and shareholders," said Neil Chapman. , Vice President of Exxon Mobil Corporation on New Discoveries

The Stabroek Block comprises an area of ​​26,800 square kilometers and is located in the basin between Guyana and Suriname. It is recognized by the US Geological Survey as the second largest area in the world with unexploded oil.

Exxon Mobil's subsidiary, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited, holds 45% of the interests in the block.

The US oil company said last December that it was willing to help Guyana in the legal costs of a possible dispute with Venezuela over the Stabroek block, and that it had reserved $ 20 million to work on the legal agreement.

Venezuela disagreed with the work of Exxon Mobil in Guyana. "As long as there is no decision on our territory, they can not use their waters because they are not ready for other purposes. In this sense, we sent a communication to the Exxon Mobil asking him to paralyze his activities in this area.The waters are still lucky in the territory.Venezuela ratifies the sovereign rights on Essequibo, "said Rodríguez in 2015.

Carlos Blanco, international consultant, assured that the discovery and exploitation of the Stabroek Block redefines the geopolitics of the Caribbean

"The impact of this news is more beyond that which is imaginable: in relation to Guyana, the Venezuelan oil future, the geopolitics of the Caribbean, the territorial dispute, in Venezuela, it is necessary to prepare for the joropo, henceforth also with the calypso ", explains l & # 39; expert on Twitter.

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