Facebook and Instagram will block user accounts under 13 years old


Although these social networks, like many others, since their inception, have a minimum age limit (which on Facebook and Instagram is 14 years old, but may vary in some countries); The truth is that at the time of opening a profile, the user is not asked for any identification or other evidence to verify his age.

But the idea now is to harden the application of pre-existing standards. So, when moderators detect that an account belongs to a child under 13, he will be asked to download a copy of an identity document to check his age. The same thing will happen when a user changes his date of birth.

This decision comes after a survey conducted by Firecrest Films and Channel 4 of the United Kingdom showed a moderator or an account reviewer that they had to "ignore" or ignore the users who seemed to be under 13 years old.

After this survey, Facebook posted the following on its official blog. "We do not allow people under the age of 13 to have a Facebook account." If a person under the age of 13 is flagged, the reviewer will review the content of their profile (text and photos) so to determine his age. Under 13, the account will be suspended and the person will not be able to use Facebook until they have provided proof of age. "

And it is added that since the broadcast of the program, they are working to update the guide and that the reviewers they can block any account where they find strong indications that the user does not respect the program. Minimum age required by the platform

In fact, there is no change in the policy, but the rule will be applied proactively. alert and are no longer overlooked if they detect or suspect that there is a child under the age of 13 with a profile on the platform, but in this case request a test to check the age.

Facebook Messenger Kids, an application designed for children ages 6 to 12. This platform was disowned by more than 90 children's specialists, who asked Mark Zuckerberg to completely eliminate this site because it harms the socialization of children

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