Facebook does not always succeed: it has deleted three apps due to lack of users


Why does Facebook launch apps in the trash? Source: Archive

The world of apps is full of failed projects and strategies: not even the internet giants like

Get rid of unexpected failures.

And are those responsible for

social network
the most used in the world are also wrong.

This was confirmed Monday by the company via his blog, when he announced the closure of three of its applications

smart phones
Because of its "low use".

In the next 90 days, the social network will erase the data of all users of these platforms, he said

"We regularly review our applications to evaluate which are more" We know that some use them and will be disappointed, and we want to take this opportunity to thank them for their support, but we must give priority to our work so we do not overdo it. "

This is not the first time that this happened.

In August of last year, the company has eliminated several applications from the online store of Apple.

Facebook has a long history of acquiring and closing, Jack Kent, an analyst at IHS Markit, a consultant based in London, UK, told the BBC

What applications does Facebook have this time and why?


  TBH is a teenager-centric app
TBH is a teenager-centric app Source: Archive

When Facebook
bought for $ 100 million at TBH – in English from To Be Honest – in 2017 he was just nine weeks old.

The anonymous application was focused on teenagers and high school students in the United States and it allowed sending positive messages to avoid intimidation.

Shortly before the tech giant had it, he had harvested more than five million downloads during his first nine weeks in the market and over 2.5 million downloads.

Facebook did not disclose the amount of the transaction, but according to a report published on the TechCrunch Tech site, it did not reach 100 million US dollars.

"The acquisition of TBH by Facebook could be seen," says Kent.

"Low usage statistics cited by Facebook as a reason for closing point to take up the challenge of l & # 39; running a long-term service based on anonymous interactions, which can generate difficulties when it generates enough interest for a specific audience. "

  Hello allow to connect the numbers of directory to Facebook
Hello allow to connect directory numbers to Facebook Source: Archive

"We launched Hello in 2015 for those who use Android devices in Brazil, United States and Nigeria", read the Facebook blog.

The application "allows people to combine Facebook information with contact data on their phone."

But the platform will no longer be active in a few weeks. 19659011] The system functioned as a telephone directory. He also offered a system to easily manage the restriction of certain calls and contacts.

It is possible that growing concerns about the

did not favor the popularity of this free application, which allowed to see the Facebook profile of the caller automatically and other information, such as your photo in profile, your full name or your birthday.

On Google Play, Hello had only reached half a million downloads in two years, a very small figure for Facebook's ambitions.


  The world of fitness apps is very competitive
The world of fitness apps is very competitive Source: Archive

"In 2014 we bought the Moves fitness app", note Facebook.

This system records the daily activity of its users, including walking and cycling and hiking. But Facebook said that the application will be disabled July 31 next.

In this case, it is likely that his failure was due to strong competition: from the bracelet that measures the number of calories burned to advanced measurement systems to calculate distance, speed and heart rate, there is more 325,000 applications on the market to be in shape, according to the German consulting firm Research 2 Guidance (R2G).

An estimated 370 million downloads of this type in 2017 applications, but Moves was not among the most popular.

These applications usually save user data. On the Moves website, they explain how to back up your activity journal if you were one of their users.

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