Failures in the TAG prevent consumers from refueling


A large number of drivers in Táchira can not supply petrol to their car since last Sunday due to failures of the Border Fuel Control System (Siscombf) that oversees the PDVSA-assigned TAG or Barcode to each inhabitant of the border entity, so you can buy fuel at a regulated price.

The affected people were concentrated in the parking lot of the Plaza de Toros in San Cristóbal where the oil industry offices work for appointments, examination, assignment and delivery . the goal of getting answers from officials.

"The failure we have already reported to system people, it has happened since Sunday, but it's a failure that does not depend on us." If the TAG was stuck, this would be with us.It is a failure with the gas stations that generates an error.It marks "zero liters" as if the driver had consumed the quota of the month, while it's really not like that Said the PDVSA official who went outside the offices to answer questions from those who were waiting for a solution.

"The people in the system are working on this. We told you (pilots) to try tomorrow thinking that the people in the system were going to find a solution to the problem, but that no longer depends on us. I asked for information and they work. What do I ask you? I ask your patience because the solution is not in my hands, but in the hands of the system people. What will I recommend? Do not try to store. If they want it, before they do, they pass again, "added the manager.

There were drivers who lost the long, long line of more than three hours to equip their car with 39, gasoline, screen located on the pump and in which the TAG data are recorded, which are scanned by a reader, indicates the duration of the quota.

Since October 2010, depending on the type of vehicle, the use and the capacity of the original tank, PDVSA assigns the amount of liters that a car can consume per month, the information that is recorded in the TAG, which is placed on the front window of the car. 39; particular use can provide up to 45 liters 5 times a month.

"I have a case and without essence I can not move," said one of them. another driver who could not buy gasoline asked to see where the systems office was trying to fix the fault, but they did not give it.

Although the border fuel control system is administered by Pdvsa, 15 days ago, the National Armed Forces, informally informed, would have controlled one of the phases of the system in Táchira, which is why failures were recorded. It has been learned that people are heading towards Cuartel Bolívar, headquarters of the integral defense zone, to request the reactivation of the barcodes.

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