Families in Zulia must have up to 1,000 million bolivars to repair appliances damaged by power cuts


Photo: Courtesy

MP for the National Assembly ( AN ) Mary Álvarez assured that what is lived in the Zulia "is inhuman" and reported that it is completely impossible for families in the entity to repair a refrigerator or air conditioner that were burned due to planned outages and not that they were done routine, since the value of a unit varies between 400 million and a billion bolivars, when the salary of a worker does not even reach a kilogram of cheese.

Álvarez cataloged "Satanic and aberrant the ability to lie Omar Prieto Néstor Reverol, Motta Domínguez and Padrino López" facing what is happening. He recalled that since 2016 the electric courts that were expanded as Governor Arias Cárdenas began, for the "December 28, 2017, day of the innocent, Omar Prieto assumed the post of governor and through their networks He announced that the problem of electricity would be solved, since supposedly would happen transformers that from the 25th of the same month had been sent to Maracaibo, we fell like innocents, since the situation s & # 39; is so aggravated that it has been reported that there would be reasoning of two hours three times a day, which have caused incalculable harm to families, shopping centers, schools and businesses, because their devices electric were damaged and that there was no compensation from the government, on the contrary, no one takes responsibility for the crisis.

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"It is unacceptable that to this day Motta Domínguez (Minister of Electrical Energy) insists on designating the company. Opposition guilty of sabotage It is clear that he does so because he knows nothing about electricity, but as if that was not enough he said that the factories of Punta de Palma, Pionia and Cienaga were attacked by thugs paid by the opposition, a liar! The sabotage comes from another party and you know it minister. "

He also noted that the former president of Enelven, engineer Ciro Portillo participated that what was happening was due to lack of maintenance, l 39; abandonment of stations, corruption, lack of management, without generation there can be no distribution and they issued a detention order, "just to tell the truth." The head of Cambiemos said that the current situation is critically, we say that citizens spend between eight hours and more without electricity, while the leaders of the PSUV designate themselves as responsible, recently said Arias Cardenas, who accused Omar Prieto for the abandonment and looting of the facilities of Bachaquero that he has delivered in his management with 80 percent of the progress of work and today is in ruins.

MP Mary Alvarez called on the Zulia people to participate in the mobilization of the next July 26, in order to require the re spect of the rights of citizens and immediate and real solutions to electrical chaos. In addition, he called Tareck William Saab to initiate an investigation because there are allegations of alleged acts of corruption in the electrical system that have clearly wreaked havoc in the Nation, the Ombudsman who fills his functions.

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