Fast food sales fall because of the economic crisis in Venezuela


Children wait outside food establishments for food / Photo: María Alejandra Lunar

Years ago, franchises of fast food restaurants in Venezuela, they were lucrative businesses. However, currently, they have been affected by the economic crisis that is going through the country, El Tiempo .

Employees of Arturo, Domino's Pizza and Subway, in Puerto La Cruz, They said their sales have dropped in recent months. McDonald's employees indicated that these were maintained because they frequently changed the menu and offered promotions to customers.

Neomar Salazar, employed for two years in the sale of chicken, said that "it was before I spent it every day, but now it's very few times when he is full. This month, combo prices have gone up twice. "

He mentioned that sales are only slightly increased over the weekend.He added that previously, a family of five bought a combo for each, regardless of cost." However, at that time, they sometimes have an economic advantage to eat everything.

Salazar said that during the holiday season, they have no more recreational activities for children, nor promotions.

Workers at Domino & Pizza said today they make 60 pizzas a day among extra large, medium and large pizzas, but a year ago, they have developed nearly 200.

"All this has to do with the crisis that the country is living," said a young woman who did not want to be identified because she was not allowed to testify, he's only filled in the celebrations, but not all the time. "He added that they did not no economic menus, but it all depends on the pizza that the consumer wants.

Jezabel Sánchez, director of the Metro located in the commercial center (CC) Regina of Puerto La Cruz, said that in this franchise sales it decreased by 12%.

He adds that he has a fixed clientele, with the exception of sporadic people, but not of the same proportion as eight months ago. He added that the days with the largest number of customers are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

"The holidays come sometimes more or less to buy.For example, the children's day we sold a lot, but the following days we were with few people in the franchise," Sanchez said.

He said that they have a cheaper promotion than the rest of the sandwich. treat yourself to a treat.

Although McDonald's employees claim that their sales remain and that they have almost not fallen.

But there are other opinions. "I'm a fast food lover, especially McDonald's and I've noticed that now it's not even a quarter of what it was a few years ago, when I had to make one line to cancel the order and another to remove it. I collect my salary to be able to please me from time to time because the prices are not so low, "said customer Daniel Marín

The employees of the franchise agreed that the busiest days are Fridays and Fridays. Saturday


In all four fast food establishments, it was observed that on the outside, there were children waiting for someone to take pity on them. and gives them food.

They pointed out that this situation is constant, even when diners are tasting their plate, the kids come in and tell them to give them some of what they eat, "even though it's the soda . "

Puerto La Cruz / Maria Alejandra Lunar

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