Filgua 2018 opens its doors


On Thursday evening was inaugurated the 15th edition of the International Book Fair in Guatemala (19459003) Filgua which will host the important visit of France as a guest of honor. During its first editions, between 2000 and 2008, Filgua was carried out thanks to the sustained effort of the Publishers Association and the support of international cooperation.

Since 2008, the government of the Republic received support, in 2017 it was given thanks to the Congress of the Republic awarded a game of one million quetzales for its realization.

"The increase in the number of & # 39; In 2018, in addition to the Majadas Forum, Filgua has three cultural venues: the Alliance Française, the Sophos Bookstore and the Library of the Fund for Economic Culture ", says Raúl Figueroa Sarti, president of AGEG and Filgua 2018.

60 cultural events, France will be installed for 10 days as the Filgua guest country, which will take place from 16 to 19 July at 8 pm

Guests French specials will give a vision of the book world in France through some of its actors:

  • Writers Patrick Deville, Paul Fournel, Philippe Ollé-Laprune, Annie Le Brun, Nathalie Léger-Cresson, Martine Sagaert and Marlon Meza Teni [19659010] The Editors Jacques Aubergy (L 'Atinoir), V Éroniqu e e Haïtse (School of Leisure) and Christine Villeneuve (Éditions des Femmes)
  • Visual Artists Mélanie Forné (illustrator), Claude K. Dubois (illustrator) and Yves Trémorin (photographer); and the librarian Joëlle Menant

3 activities of the Filgua for this weekend

The youtubers Pepe and Teo present a particular guide

Today, at 19:30. In the Jesús Chico García room, youtubers Pepe and Leo will present their book "The great guide to live life in your own way", to explain how to cope with the problems that overwhelm young people.

desamor by Alberto Villarreal

Tomorrow, at 15:00, in the hall Jesús Chico García, the book of poetry "Todo lo that fled" will be presented by Alberto Villarreal, one of the most famous figures influential of the booktuber community in Latin America

Encounter: cycling in literature

Cycling is a very literary sport. The big stage races are novels. Climbs touch the sky and descents are abysses. Enjoy this meeting tomorrow, from 4 pm to 5 pm, in the Baron Supervielle Room.

With information from Filgua

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