Final Declaration Sao Paulo Forum: Latin America continues to struggle | news


After three days of intense days of reflection and discussion, the XXIV meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum issued its final statement affirming that Latin America and the Caribbean continue to struggle.

It was read by the Executive Secretary of the Forum Mónica Valente at the closing of the Latin American and Caribbean integration and solidarity event.

"We continue to struggle against the effects of an offensive reactionary, conservative and neoliberal restoration of the world's elites" led by "the capitalism of the United States government of its allies and hegemonic classes, "said the executive secretary

. Forum demanded the immediate release of the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva . " Lula free, Lula inocente, president of Lula", is exclaimed Valente stating that his imprisonment corresponds to one of the new types of beatings. State exercised by imperialism to attack the region.

In addition, the Forum attributed several causes that affect the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, such as the US blockade. against Cuba the social situation in Argentina Macri, the independence of Puerto Rico, the advance of the right in countries like Chile, Colombia or Paraguay, among d 39, Other popular struggles, emphasizing that in all these cases it was

A special mention had Venezuela : "We condemn the unconventional war of USA and its allies against the Bolivarian revolution, which has become the immediate strategic goal of being defeated by the empire, which is therefore our main goal of solidarity in these circumstances, "said the executive secretary. "We will remain alert to the intervention against Venezuela."


With regard to Nicaragua, the Forum affirmed its fraternity and its gratitude "to Commander Daniel Ortega and the Nicaraguan people", for acts of violence aroused by the opposition groups who, in recent months, have affected the country and left more than 200 dead The Forum recognized the social advances that the country of Central America has experienced under the Ortega governments.

The statement also included environmental causes, gender, migration and economic issues, among others, claiming that Celac should be strengthened to combat aggression in the region.

Regarding the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Lima Group, the Forum claimed that the two bodies "are the Trojan horses of USA ] against the unity of Latin America and the Caribbean We denounce the interventionist role of the OAS which continues to be used by USA as his ministry of colony, "accused punctually Valente ]" Faced with the plan of imperialism aimed at undermining our sovereignty and controlling the natural resources, we call our internationalist spirit with firmness and unity of our noble peoples to strengthen the struggles and thus liberate us socially, politically and economically for the defense of peace ", concluded the declaration of the XXIV Forum of Sao Paulo.

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