Find out! Filters The trailer and Shazam fans go crazy (+ video)


Photo: Europa Press

(Caracas, July 16, Europa Press) With the heroes of the Marvel Studios out of the equation, the attention of the hordes of fans who will attend the Comic Con to be held this weekend in San Diego will focus, among other things, on DC's Extended Universe. And in addition to the first trailer expected of Aquaman, another of the characters who could present their first material is Shazam!

The film already shows his references there … specifically in Ukraine, from where the Odessa Festival a small promotional piece was disclosed. In the clip, published in two parts on Twitter, you can already see in action, in the most playful sense of the word, the superhero embodied by Zachary Levi.

The video, which includes testimonials from the protagonists and the technical team, shows how, immersed in his classic red costume, the powerful and immature character plays on a giant piano, as the one who enchanted Tom Hanks in Big – which will be a reference for the film – and the images of the other characters and comics on which the film is based.

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