First celebration of the day of the lawyer in Mexico



Since 1960, every day of July 12 is celebrated in Mexico on Lawyer's Day, a profession that has been particularly difficult for women because they have been banned for many years Right

This date was chosen to celebrate because on July 12, 1553, the first law professorship in Mexico was given to the Pontifical University by Fray Bartolomé Frías y Albornoz.

The original idea of ​​having this date was the Diario de México, which found it necessary to honor the beginning of the legal profession in the country.

The day, in addition to recognizing the work of legal experts, seeks to call them to act, precisely, in a legal and comprehensive

There are various events taking place on the occasion of the Day of the Lawyer; in La Laguna, for example, some agencies recognize important personalities

  1960: First celebration of the day of the lawyer in Mexico


More than national archives



– MD

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