First details of the Arkham crisis. The new Batman game that will arrive at the end of the year


Rumors have surfaced about a new Batman game that, if some wanted, would secure a place among the candidates for the best game of the year.

Batman: Arkham Crisis would be developed by WB Montreal and would come out on Halloween night to create a relationship with the famous story "The Long Halloween".

They promise us a really huge Gotham the size of twice GTA V mapping. There will be a cycle day and night and we will continue to have the Batmobile but most of the trips will be with the Batwing.

The story is made up of 12 main chapters, each lasting one hour each. The main enemy of the game would be The Owls Court, an organization that has been operating in the shadows since time immemorial, infiltrated the high places.

With regard to secondary schools, we have good news because they say they will have their own story and will last several hours. The truth is that we are already a little tired of being animated in such a bland way, so that would be very appreciated. They also speak cooperatively but this would not be integrated into the main story.

If all this is true, it will be officially announced in March.


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