Former governor of Guanajuato aims to lead PAN … but with conditions


Carlos Medina Plascencia former governor of Guanajuato, indicated that he would be ready to lead the National Action Party, as long as the political organization covers his soul and his body, and is an opposition ] before the government led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

"In these circumstances, I clearly underline that they can count on me, but we must think how we want this party and if this is the responsibility of everyone, it could be this. way that I would be in the best disposition, "he said Wednesday in an interview with Grupo Fórmula .

In addition, the Guanajuato made a call to unity to all those who expressed their desire to lead the national action.

"The leadership of the PAN may summon those who raised their hands for us all to participate in the renewal of the leadership .If we enter a confrontation, even if fraternal, the party may be able to do so. collapse, "he added.

On Tuesday, legislator Jorge Luis Lavalle discovered Senator Roberto Gil and former Governor of Puebla, Rafael Moreno Valle as "the most viable and valuable aspirants to national leadership of PAN ".

Lavalle said the NAP governors should be included in the discussions to begin the process of renewing the national presidency.

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