Found the world's largest dinosaur in Argentina


Paleontologists have unearthed the largest and oldest dinosaur fossils in the Argentine province of San Juan. It is a four-legged herbivorous species, the ancestor of the largest land animals of today.

The researchers said that the dinosaur called "Ingentia prima", could measure up to 10 meters long, weighed about 10 tons and lived during the Triassic period, there are about 210 million of them. years. At first, scientists thought that the first giant dinosaurs appeared about 180 million years ago.

According to the Argentinian paleontologist, Ricardo Martínez, "210 million years ago, the largest known dinosaurs had a femur of 45 centimeters, larger or with 50 centimeters chance".

"The femur we found is 1.3 meters, three times larger than the femur of a known animal." he added. "The largest animals we knew of that time did not weigh more than three tons while Ingientia weighed more than 9 tons."

"We found two partial skeletons of a sauropod that exceed the size of the known dinosaurs of that era.We are talking about 30 million years before the Jurassic, that is, say that we discovered the first giant dinosaur, "said paleontologist Cecilia Apaldetti

despite being a member of the sauropod branch, and he had a respiratory system similar to that of a bird that he had a higher oxygen content in the blood and kept it cool

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