France | Russia 2018 | Celebrations in Paris for the World Championship | PICTURES Trade | World | News


The streets of France celebrated the victory of World its second star in history. The French lived this week in a bubble of joy and hope, in front of the victories that gave them along the tour.

But the French they already knew. According to a study published by the Sunday newspaper "Le Journal du Dimanche" (JDD), 84% of respondents believe that France will win the World and 51% state that In addition, 31% were convinced that the eventual victory of their national team would have positive effects on the country's economic growth and 25% thought that this would promote a chauvinistic and nationalistic spirit.

] Three years after the attacks that threatened to split the country and one year after the elections that drew a France shared between cities and provinces, the press underlines that the "Blues" offer "a mirror which reflects the image of a reconciled country. "

Despite the illusion, the authorities do not forget that the terrorist threat is still very present and they are kept up to date, after the celebrations of the national holiday this Saturday, a" Security Measures " of exceptional nature, as the Minister of the Interior, Gerard Collomb, advanced Friday.

The country has mobilized 63,500 police and 46,500 gendarmes, 44,000 firefighters, 143 riot police and other bodies this weekend. special intervention ready to act in case of threat.

Only in Paris the area reserved for fans of the Champ de Mars, facing the Eiffel Tower, welcomes some 90,000 people, security that will have 4000 agents.

Source: EFE

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