French team had a massive reception in Paris | Soccer


The feat of "blues" has gained popular splendor today in Paris a day after it became real in Moscow. The world champions have proved the fervor that has provoked in France his feat at the World Cup, applauded by hundreds of thousands of people on the Champs Elysees to the presidential palace.

Before receiving the congratulations of the President, Emmanuel Macron, on behalf of the entire nation, it was an important part that cheered them, as they did 20 years ago with their predecessors. The Griezmanns, Mbappé and the company received the same mass swim, in the same scenario as that of the troupe of Zidane and Desailly in 1998.

The link between the two triumphant teams was Didier Deschamps, captain then, selector now, transformed into an icon of a nation that wins, over forms, a sport in which the end, almost always, justifies the means.

Sign of the times, in which security It took an increasingly important space, especially in a country crushed by terrorism, the convertible bus ride was made by the "blues" away from the fans, separated by an impressive police deployment, unlike their predecessors, who sailed among thousands of people who could touch them with their own hands.

For this reason was a dull parade, something cold in front of thousands of people who had waited hours and hours under the sun of justice to be acclaimed. to his heroes, despite the huge backlog, because the night party in Russia was over too late.

This was no less impressive for the "blues", who lost sight of the top of the bus and could not help but see thousands of happy faces, tricolor flags in the wind, to hear voices that cheered their names, which extolled their accomplishment.

Half the width of the Avenue was taken by the passion of the fans who did not stop shouting, prompted the bus to the players, dressed in a special shirt for the l '39; opportunity, with two stars, who have not stopped singing and shaking the scarves of the selection and show the trophy achieved.

Red, blue, white rockets As the French patrol, the formation of acrobatic aircraft of the French army that drew the French flag in the sky.

It was a faster than expected parade, which went away with the desire of more people, who had to settle for a distant image of the players.

Cup by hand went into the Elysee's yard the captain, Hugo Lloris, accompanied by the coach and the president of the French Football Federation (FFF), Noel Le Graet

Macron, who usually receives the most important guests in the staircase, even went to the playground to kiss, one by one, the 23 players and members of the coaching team, before all together to pose on the stairs for the family photo that was accompanied by songs of the players, including the last La Marseillaise.

Brigitte Macron insisted on touching the mustache of Adil Rami, the only one of the field players who he did not play a minute in the World Cup, but his mustache became a talisman for the Team, just like 20 years ago it was the bald goaltender Fabien Barthez.

Then they came to the gardens, where the president and his wife had prepared an official reception with more than 3,000 guests, including one-third of young players from training clubs in the cities of origin of the "blues".

Macron thanked them "for bringing the cup and awakening pride in the people."

"Do not change, because this team is great because it's "And do not forget where you come from.You're here," exclaimed the president pointing to the youth.

He took over from Paul Pogba, who put on his "showman" costume, sang, had his classmates sing and encouraged the day until the players withdrew. the private rooms with the president and his wife

The party was then to continue in a neighboring hotel, next to the Plaza de la Concordia, the second night of celebration of some "blues" that they had last night at their headquarters in Istra, outside of Moscow, the bucolic place where they managed to build the triumph applauded today by France EFE

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