Frente Amplio Venezolano asked to accompany the social and trade union protests


Frente Amplio Venezuela Libre on Friday called on all social movements and political organizations to support the citizens' and trade union demonstrations that have been taking place in the country for a month.

"We call on all organizations, all parties to support the struggles that the country's workers are developing at the moment, especially nurses," said Frente Amplio spokesman Belsaí Yánez.

The Red Flag Party representative also indicated that the petition was meant to express solidarity without removing the importance of the natural leaders that emerged during the protests.

Venezuela is going through an economic crisis that is resulting in a shortage of staple foods, medicines, spare parts for machinery and vehicles, shortage of money and failures in public services.

The situation in the country has caused that last month, state-dependent workers demand in the streets wage improvements that allow them to confront inflation

Yánez asked leaders of the demonstrations of health to indicate how to articulate and unify the events that have taken place.

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