Funvisis will modernize its early warning system


Caracas .- Preventive culture has always been the central objective of the Venezuelan Seismological Research Foundation (Funvisis), which turned 46 on Friday.

The president of the institution, Roberto Betancourt, explained the tasks planned by the agency that include the expansion of seismic education programs and technological renovation.
On Seismological Literacy, the President of Funvisis said that it is important "for Venezuelans to understand that the nation is seismic, that it has a system of failures and that it is not an easy task. it is necessary to put in place preventive measures before, during and after an earthquake ".

Mid-August, Funvisis will inaugurate a permanent exhibition at the Museum of Science, located on the museum square in Los Caobos.
The exhibition, which will reproduce the Seismological Museum's exhibition, will have information inherent to scientific knowledge in the fields of seismology, earth sciences and seismic engineering, with the following: intention to "multiply the learning curve" in the population.

"The idea is to reach the largest number of Venezuelans in Caracas, as well as the regions where they visit us," Betancourt said in an interview published in AVN.

With regard to the modernization of the service, he indicated that the satellite seismological network will be renewed, which will make it possible to measure in real time.

About this project, Betancourt pointed out that the foundation expects to have "enough sensors to measure the faults system in real time, it will create a center of research. early warning for seismic activity, not predict, if not alert with 1 or 2 minutes in advance to the public about the proximity of an event. "

He also stated that" the calculation automatic could allow us to evacuate schools or activate emergency facilities, it is an extraordinary model of growth ".
Similarly, it is planned to establish a laboratory for the development of seismometers and seismographs.
In the field of seismological research, they plan to deploy scientists to five states in the country to advance microzoning and earthquake resistance to identify potential threats and strengthen buildings.

Funvisis was established 46 years ago, following the findings of the Special Commission, which investigated the causes of building failures after the Caracas earthquake on July 29, 1967, causing significant loss of life and property.

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