Gaby Espino changes his look for a new series with Telemundo


Gaby Espino had already taken his first steps a few days ago thanks to his Twitter account that was going to change his look. And indeed it was. The Venezuelan actress finally showed that many were waiting and announced a new look Thursday through their social networks and the result has disappointed no one. Whoever was the protagonist of the successful telenovela Más sabe el diablo not only dared to cut his long hair, but also obscured it remarkably.

"I cut my hair, they made me change looks because I have a great special project that starts tomorrow in Colombia.I still do not get used to it much but I like it, "Espino said last Thursday on Facebook Live.

"I had not changed in appearance for a long time so I'm just trying to get used to it."

The actress, who is giving herself a new chance in love with the Puerto Rican presenter Jaime Mayol whom she declares herself deeply in love, acknowledged that it took her "a little" to make this change of look because I am not accustomed. "

" It took me a while to do this look change because I'm not used to it. But I like it. I think when I finish the show, I'll stay like that for a while. "


As Gaby explained on Facebook Live, his change of look is due to a new project that the actress will start recording very soon in Colombia for the Telemundo Network

"This project is going to be very special. These are very high quality projects, just like Telemundo, but these are very special series that are in progress and being part of this project makes me very happy. I'm going out for a while and I'm going to show things on my social networks, so be very conscious, "she said excitedly,"

We can not wait to hear what this new project is about.

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