Galilee Montijo, in a recent show from the show "Hoy", discussed with Martha Figueroa and Natalia Téllez, about the apparent aesthetic interventions that Fher de Maná submitted, which reappeared a few years ago. weeks in the Latin Grammy the radical change of his face.
However, contrary to what many hoped, tapatía said that measures would soon be taken to improve its appearance.
"Fher de Maná loves life, but I think it will take a year for her to be well done," she commented during the section.
Montijoshe confessed that she was supportive of cosmetic surgeries, so she anticipated that she would also submit to the scalpel several times, regardless of what they would say.
"I boss, I need a year when I do it.I will not come a year, I will do it, now I say and I'm worth view, the Internet. "
However, it has been said that Galilee has undergone a botox, a facelift, a rhinoplasty, a lip filling and even a lipo sculpture.
Even the driver herself stated that she had had to undergo a second contraction operation out of necessity because the impatience she might have caused previously could have caused her health problems.
"When I really changed the prosthesis, it was for a need, because these prostheses went wrong, it's only Carla Estrada and almost no one has seen (…) I always say what I wear, I change and I do it. Plus, I've always been pro surgeries"
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