"Game of Thrones": That's what George R.R. Martin told the audience about the end of the story


It is clear that at the end of Game of Thrones, the controversy did not fail. The decisions made by the writers of the HBO series about the end did not satisfy the fans. Although the end and the evolution of Daenerys were what several clubs received from them, Another of the decisions that most surprised the followers of the series (and not for good in most cases) was the choice of who will be the king of Westeros.

& # 39; Game of Thrones & # 39;

As you all know by now, Bran Stark has finally stayed with the iron throne (or what's left of it), after Tyrion Lannister's monologue that convinced us that it was the right thing to do and what it was that happens The actor who plays the young Stark, Isaac Hempstead-Wright, gave an interview to MakingGameOfThrones where he talked about the end of his character. And according to the interpreter, the decision that Bran would sit on the throne is something that George R.R. Martin had planned from the beginning.

"David Benioff and D.B. Weiss said that there were two things that George R.R. Martin had planned for Bran, the first was the revelation of Hodor, and the second that he would be the king " Hempstead-Wright assured. "It's so very special to be directly involved in something that is part of George's vision".

This revelation of Isaac Hempstead-Wright is closely related to what the author of the saga "Song of Ice and Fire" stated on his personal blog, where he assured that many people would ask him what would be the end of the saga. "How are you going to finish?" Ask me people " Martin shared on his blog. "The same end as the series? Different? Well … yes, and no, and yes, and no, and yes, and no". So, everything seems to indicate that we already know who will eventually sit on the throne in the novels of George R.R. Martinbut everything will not end as in the series.

How did the actor react?

The actor did not just talk about the author of the saga in this interview for HBO. Hempstead-Wright also commented that at first, he could not believe that his character had been chosen to sit on the iron throne.. "I had to get up and walk on my floor, I said" What ?! You're kidding. " assured the actor for the site. "It was the last thing that was waiting for me, I was convinced that they had sent a script to everyone in which they were becoming king or queen, so I still did not believe it. that I was reading.

After the initial printing, the actor who plays Bran Stark thinks his character was one of the best options for this role. "I think it's a very good character for this role" affirmed the actor. "You never think of him that way, but what more can you ask of a king than to have no personal attachments, no agenda and a silent convention of the universe? He is the person ideal to be responsible. ".

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