Gender violence, present in the countryside with impressive images – Correo del Orinoco


  The Not-So-Beautiful Game, an English campaign against gender violence. Simulation of the flag of Switzerland
The Not-So-Beautiful Game, an English campaign against gender violence. Simulation of the flag of Switzerland


With the slogan "Let's live the festival of football without violence against women", the President of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, and the Minister of Women's Affairs Patricia Mora, have ratified their support for the campaign to prevent aggression against the female population, in the finals of the first division football championship between Deportivo Saprissa and Club Sport Herediano.

The campaign, promoted by the Women's National Institute of Women (INAMU) and the Union of Football Clubs of the First Division (UNAFUT) seek to prevent and put an end to gender-based violence which reaches alarming levels during football matches.

According to data from the Emergency System, on Sunday, May 13, in the classic Saprissa and Alajuelense, the 911 recorded a total of 73 calls, that is, a woman asked of help every two and a half minutes because it is

At Ricardo Saprissa Stadium, where he was dedicated, Alvarado said Sunday that "violence against women is one of the The most consistent and devastating human rights violations: We must unite public and private efforts to ensure a society free from gender-based violence. "

He also engaged the government's efforts to promote joint preventive work with football teams and the media, especially against the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

The President and the Minister, who wore a jersey with a message of awareness "Let's live football without violence against women, "took advantage of the occas to talk about this plague with the fans.


"We can not allow that in our families the football festival is overshadowed by machismo behaviors that only promote inequality, stereotypes and perpetuate a discriminatory, aggressive machismo, which is violating and continuing to end so many lives for women in Costa Rica, "said Patricia Mora, Minister for the Status of Women and INAMU's Executive President

. The 911 system accounted for a total of 98,095 appeals for violence against women, with data from the judiciary indicating that, on average, 50,000 women seek protection against domestic violence each year.

In 2015, a total of 27 women were murdered simply because they were women.In 2017 and 2016 there were 26 feminicides and on April 25 of this year, 9 died because of the violence male. 659005] Gender-based violence or violence against women is the result of historically unequal relations between men and women. It manifests itself in multiple ways and in all spaces. Control and the need to feel powerful and superior to women are the main triggers that provoke violence.

F / Clarin and INAMU
F / The campaign "The game not so beautiful"


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