General breakdown reported in Maracaibo


Caracas .- The general suspension of electrical service in Maracaibo, State of Zulia, report of users of social networks.
Some areas have more than 24 hours without electricity, in others, they report the interruption of service from 5 pm in the afternoon of this Wednesday, July 11th or so.

Juan Pablo Guanipa, elected governor of the State of Zulia, reported through his Twitter account (@ JuanPGuanipa) the following: "At that time, again, there is a widespread blackout in Maracaibo We fell the plague and the turkey of Maduro and his accomplice Prieto ".

For his part, the communicator Frank Monroy reported, "I am informed that the blackout in Maracaibo is almost total.It is perhaps the largest in history.Even, there is sites that are #SinLuz since yesterday. "

Messages denouncing the lack of electric light in the capital of Zulia are multiplying in social networks, as well as questioning the lack of action on the part of authorities to find a solution to the problem.

It is important to note that Zulia has experienced a severe electrical crisis since last year, so that service was interrupted daily during hours, according to a program of rationing. But the lack of energy in this opportunity is due to a breakdown that has not yet been reported by the service managers.

During the night various sectors called to protest against widespread failures in public services in the Zulia region.

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