Genetic factors have a "modest effect" on the prevalence of multiple sclerosis


Posted on 12/13/2018 11:14:55THIS

MADRID, December 13 (EUROPA PRESS) –

Genetic factors have a "modest effect" on the prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS); In fact, the concordance rate between monozygotic twins is between 20 and 35% and the frequency of familial MS varies between 3 and 23% in different studies, according to Dr. Francisco Gilo, neurologist at the Institute of Advanced Neuroscience of Madrid (Ineamad ) of the hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario.

On the occasion of National Disease Day, which will take place next Tuesday, Dec. 18, the expert discusses some of the key issues related to MS, a disease that affects twice as many women as men. Men and whose average age of onset fluctuates. between the 30 years, in the recurrent-remitting variant (the most common), and the 39-41 years of the progressive primary.

Becoming the second leading cause of disability (after trauma) in patients aged 20 to 40 years, this inflammatory disease of the nervous system affects 47,000 people in Spain, according to data from Multiple Sclerosis Spain. Its origin is unknown, although "the most accepted theory" is that the disease begins as an inflammatory autoimmune disease.

"In support of a possible autoimmune basis for MS, some studies have found that patients with this disease are more likely to have other autoimmune disorders" said Gilo. Environmental factors also seem to play an "important" role. "We are talking here about viral infections, geographical latitude and place of birth, sun exposure and vitamin D levels, among others," says the expert.

The expert reminds that after the diagnosis, it is "fundamental" to start treatment as soon as possible, because "we know that 30% of patients who do not receive it will develop a disability after 25 to 30 years from the creation of the diagnosis. "" With the advances of the last two decades, it is possible to reduce the percentage of disabled patients, "he recalls.

In addition, as this neurologist advises, it is "fundamental" to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, such as moderate physical exercise, a healthy diet and a stressful routine because "this allows the body to Be in the best position to minimize the potential damage that can cause the disease. "Everything contributes, especially now that, thanks to the progress made, patients do not need to radically change their rhythm of life", concludes the Ineamad specialist.

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