Gloria Estefan receives the Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts


  Gloria Estefan receives the Gold Medal of Merit in Fine Arts

Gloria Estefan, today received the Gold Medal of Merit in Fine Arts from the Minister of Culture and Sports, José Guirao


] Preparing a new record already recorded in Brazil, the singer, composer and actress Gloria Estefan, received today Medal Gold Award of the Merit of Fine Arts from the Minister of Culture and Sport Sport, José Guirao

In an act held at the Teatro Real de Madrid, Estefan thanked with emotion the medal, which distinguishes the people and entities who have excelled in the field of artistic and cultural creation.

Gloria Estefan has won numerous awards and recognitions, including seven Grammy Awards she recently recorded her new album in Brazil and for that she's soaked Brazilian rhythms and includes songs in Spanish and English.

Has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in 2015 then President of the United States, Barack Obama, gave him, along with her husband, Emilio Estefan, the Freedom Medal of that country.

Estefan is one of the musical artists with larger sales, since he has sold more than 100 million records all over the world.

White dress adapted and accompanied by her husband Estefan "because without him it would not have been possible to receive this medal", the singer of Cuban origin, granddaughter of the Spanish emigrants, from Asturias, pointed out that his grandfather, Leonardo, "was one of the most important people of my life". 19659010] Spain is in my heart, but I also wanted to receive this medal with Emilio because without him I would not have won either. It's a motivating man that when we met, I was his first and only good deal, but we did it all together, "he added.

He also thanked Luis Merino, "if it was for him, Spain I would not have listened to the album of 'tierra' mi, because that when he heard it, he loved it and thought that Spain would have a lot of acceptance, being then the country where this album broke records. "

He remarked that" in Spain they already knew me with albums like ". Conga & # 39; and English songs, but & # 39; Mi Tierra opened another way in this country, it was important for me to sing here in my native language, Spanish. "

He remembered that it was the language that his mother inculcated him, and in his house he spoke only Spanish, which he continues to do with his children and his grandson. [19659013] Spain has always been part of me, said and commented that his first great musical idol was Joselito, from whom he learned all the songs and were the first ones that he sang in his life

With the delivery of this medal, an express wish from Estefan was fulfilled, which for reasons of force majeure could not receive his medal last February, when of the awards ceremony presided over by the King and Queen of Spain, Felipe VI and Letizia, at the Pompidou Museum of Malaga, in the south of Spain

I could not be there to to receive it from the hands of Kings, but there were very special hands that belonged to my family, which were presented by me and I think it was very nice. "

He shared the fact that" my mother I was not going anywhere, I was planning to come with me to receive him, but he died in June of last year and I know that ". he is here with us, but I want to thank all my Asturian family who are here to receive him. "

The Minister of Culture and Sports, José Guirao, highlighted the work of Gloria Estefan to spread Latino culture and build bridges in culture.

You Are There 39, an honorary engineer of the construction of cultural bridges in the Spanish-speaking world, I do not know anyone who has done such work and has had the complicity, the wealth, and transcended a barrier as complex as that of the United States. 19659019] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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