Gmvv delivered a total of 2,109,450 homes across the country


.- N.- Tuesday the Minister of Housing and Housing, Ildemaro Villarroel reported that the Greater Housing Mission Venezuela (Gmvv) has delivered 2 million 109 000 450 households to the same number of families from the

At the 25th meeting of the Higher Housing Authority, which was held at the office, the minister indicated that thanks to the Great New District Mission, Barrio Tricolor, housing number 751,192 is undergoing rehabilitation.

] In addition, reported that 1 million 11,000,986 titles of urban land were delivered.

announced the release of Decree 6.376, May 29, 2018, the transfer of all lands that guarantee the construction of the next million homes to the international real estate. "We are reactivating the delivery of multi-family land titles to the assemblies of Venezuelan life," he said.

To accelerate the pace of the Gmvv, Villarroel said that 75 billion bolivars approved by the national executive began the first disbursement, of 25 trillion bolivars, for the agencies, the Purchase of equipment, reclamation of land and the execution of technical studies on soils. At the same time, 909,000 petros are available in the digital wallet of the National Housing and Housing Bank (Banavih) for the purchase of new building materials to complement the domestic production. inputs.

He also announced the consolidation of the collection system in Petro by Construpatria, "the executing entities that are active in the program Petro Incentivos, 22 in the first cohort, 33 undergoing methodological approval , will be able to buy the materials to continue their construction by paying to Petro ", said

The Minister also confirmed that in the second half of the year the housing plan for young people is going to begin

Census of the Gmvv

At the meeting, Villarroel recalled that this Thursday In the first phase, the census of the urbanism of the Gvvv will be activated, with the support of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and in coordination with the Ministry of Planning and Development.

When the last census was done in 2011, these urban developments were not yet built and the Gmvv has changed in recent years the urban fabric in the main cities of the country, which requires this study, which will contribute To improve the characterization of beneficiaries and ensure accurate inputs for future planning of this social program, said.

Villarroel said that at the same time data validation with the Patria platform continues in order to strengthen the linkage system with We are Venezuela, reported AVN.

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