Google and the sentence for the Android case


The historic fine was generated by the historical fine recently applied by the European Commission to Google, accusing it of violating antitrust laws.

Nothing less than 4.300 million euros in penalty for the so-called Android case.

This equates to 4.5% of the technology giant 's overall business figure.

But this is not the first time that Brussels gives a "sovereign ear" to Google; In June 2017, it imposed on the company a new fine of 2,424 million euros for abusing its dominant position to block competition in the search market on the Internet and for having favored in its search engine its price comparison service

Now, what does Google's new offense actually consist of and how does this fine affect users? explains that Europe bases its accusation on three conditions that it considers "Google has imposed on Android device manufacturers and network operators" to provide traffic.

These would be: o freezes manufacturers to install Google Chrome and the Google search bar; that manufacturers do not install any adjustments or applications that lead to a search engine competition and make payments to certain manufacturers and operators in exchange for Presintalen exclusively Google Search.

And Android users?
With this penalty to Google that will be particularly favored is the user, not so much because of the impact on the Android operating system, which will remain the same, but because of the possibility of & # 39; 39 have more options to search and delete mobile phone applications. he likes them, says the director of analysis of the consultancy IDC Research Spain, José Antonio Cano.
Google "can not force mobile manufacturers to use their services unidirectionally, nor require the installation of their default applications that can not be uninstalled," adds the expert for El Mundo de España.

On the contrary, Professor Enrique Dans and expert in IE Business School asks in his blog, where are the damages from Google ?, And explains that users are undoubtedly happy with Android and the l? adopt to the point of converting it an absolute leader in European and global markets.

Developers have a platform on which to offer their applications and more than two million of them. among them are working systematically, continues In. [19659002] He adds that the manufacturers work with an agreement with Google whose clauses can be ignored, and if they decide to comply with it, it is because they have generally benefits to getting closer to the market.

To the question of whether the fine in Google is "kill the goose that lays the golden eggs" on the issues of innovation in Europe, the boss of # IDC responds with a resounding no.

On the contrary, he continues, after explaining that such an action could become "an incentive" to redefine the relational framework of the technology with other mobile service providers , as was the case with the historical fine against Microsoft more than a decade ago for requiring the installation of Explorer with its Windows operating system.

This is good news that mobile phone manufacturers with Android operating systems can now decide whether they have Google's browser or another, adds -t it.

Google needs to comply with European standards if it does not want to face any other penalties, so it will have to stop "compelling" device makers to install Google Search and Google Chrome.

This will leave them open to other browsers such as Microsoft Edge or that only offer users (Samsung or Xiaomi have one live with Chrome).

Manufacturers can also begin to implement modified versions of Android such as FireOS.

Still, do not forget that brands can continue to pre-install Google Search and Google Chrome if they wish.
End of the free Android?
In the response he gave to a statement in Brussels, Sundar Pichaia, Google's CEO, said that if they could not include these tools, it would "disrupt the balance of time." Android ecosystem "that allowed" to avoid the cost burden for phone manufacturers. "

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