Google announced the construction of its first private transatlantic submarine cable . This will cross the North Atlantic Ocean from Virginia Beach in the United States to the coast of France and will terminate the connection to Belgium . The technology giant is waiting for it to be ready by the end of 2020 .

The fiber-optic cable was christened Dunant in honor of Henri Dunant , founder of the Red Cross and first winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. The name follows in alphabetical order the third private submarine cable from Google called Curie in honor of the famous scientist Marie Curie, who goes from Los Angeles in Chile.

Dunant will be Google's fourth private underwater cable and also the most extensive that the company has proposed to do on its own. In comparison, Curie has a length of about 10,000 kilometers. According to Google estimates, the new cable will carry up to 25% of global Internet traffic


"We started with two private cable projects that travel relatively short distances: these are our Alpha cables and Beta, we've been working with consortiums on other new cables, including Havfrue, HK-G and JGA-S, and we'll continue to invest in it, "Google explained in an article published Tuesday on the blog. the company, and added:

Dunant adds the ability to network across the Atlantic, completing one of the busiest routes on the Internet and support the growth of Google Cloud .We work with TE SubCom to design , manufacture and build the cable for Dunant, which will provide well-provisioned, high-bandwidth, low-latency, and high-security cloud connections between the United States and Europe.

For years, The tech giant is investing nearly $ 30 billion in consortiums to strengthen its network with submarine cables in the Atlantic and Pacific. Until now, it has 13 submarine cables, 125 points of presence and more than 7500 nodes.
