Google Maps: Street View blurred image tender and caused more than a surprise | Google | Cards | Street View | Longford | Reddit | trends


Google Maps has been characterized by surprising us with more than one find. Especially, because it shows us unusual images at unexpected times and that was not an exception. Do you want to know what this new discovery is? Keep reading the note.

A user of Reddit shared on his social networks some very funny and tender images, which he captured while walking down a street in the city of Longford using the Street View from Google Maps.

YOU CAN SEE Google Maps: captures a single scene, is shared and generates laughter among hundreds of users [FOTO]

Just as he passed in front of the front of a house, The Google Maps vehicle was able to capture an unusual event: a dog was standing on two legs.

Unfortunately, this can no longer be found in Street View because the pet was unclear. The reason is still unknown, however, this happens for a variety of reasons.

First of all, for an image to be deleted, there must be requests made by people who do not want to expose a secret or the integrity of a home.

That is why, some users of Reddit have made several assumptions as to why the animal can no longer be observed. They believe that those who made the request were the owners themselves, who may regret the loss of their puppy and do not want to keep the memory of him.

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