Google Maps: Street View Erases Discovery of Calls for Offers in Ireland and the Reason Is Unknown | Photo 1 of 3 | Technology


Several times Google Maps made news because of the discoveries that its users have made by searching for cities or addresses around the planet. Funny scenes in the streets, acts of violence. This time, the discovery was blurred by the map service.

As published by the Web site Express a user of Reddit shared through social networks some tender images that he recorded while "walking" in a street of the Irish city of Longford using the Street View of Google Maps .

After passing a house in an Irish town, the camera of the vehicle Google Maps recorded a cute puppy standing on two legs. Unfortunately, those who wanted to see the unique scene in Street View will no longer be able to do so since the pet was unclear. The reason? Unknown

Scrambling or erasing something or anyone from the map is done through requests made by people interested in not exposing a secret or private property to the rest of the world through Google Maps . Once the request is made, we proceed to the withdrawal of Street View .

As a result, some Reddit users have indicated that the tender call scene may no longer appear due to an owners' order. The animal may be dead and its owners no longer want to remember the loss every time they search Google Maps . This is very likely.

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