Google will avoid grammatical errors with artificial intelligence


Madrid /

Google announced at the Google Cloud Next event in San Francisco, new features of its services Online G Suite among this highlights the introduction of intelligent answers in Hangouts conversations based on artificial intelligence (AI), as well as the arrival of grammatical suggestions in Google Docs documents.

Google has revealed that the AI ​​Smart Reply-based automated processing tool, already present in Gmail, will also be introduced to Hangouts chat in the coming weeks.

This technology "automatically recognizes which messages need answers most", according to Raghavan, and proposes three typical answers. It is oriented towards its use in work situations, and allows informal conversations.

On the Gmail email platform, Google also added the arrival of Smart Compose tool, announced at Google I / O this year. This feature teaches the user to automatically complete emails with common phrases such as greetings and personalized information such as addresses and will be ready for all Google customers in the coming weeks.

To avoid typing errors, Google has introduced new grammatical suggestions based on machine learning in the Google Docs test program, which offers on-the-fly corrections to complex grammatical problems.

This tool is able to detect "from simple grammatical rules such as how to use articles in a sentence, to more complex grammatical concepts such as how to properly use subordinates," says Raghavan.

Google has also announced the availability of the Google Assistant with the Hangouts Meet videoconferencing device.



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