Google's revenues continue to rise, despite the fines


  Google_New_Logo Advertising is still Google's goose egg. The company has earned an income of $ 32,512 million in the last three months, up to June 2018; 28,087 of them arrived via advertising. The company billed $ 25,913 million during the same period of the previous year (with $ 22,672 million in advertising).

This strength in the sale of commercials will help the giant to offset the impact of the historic fine imposed by the European Commission for Abuse of Dominance.

The markets support the good performance of the company; Google shares increased their value by 3.9% in the session after Wall Street closed, leaving them at the highest level ever recorded.

And all indications are that this will continue. According to eMarketer data, Google will dominate 31% of the global advertising market at the end of the year.

The company's profits in the second quarter fell by 9% to $ 3,200 million, impacted by the fine imposed by Brussels, which amounts to five billion dollars.

The published results revealed a significant increase in R & D expenditures ($ 5,114 million in the last three months) and the volume of technical profiles, which has increased by four thousand employees in the last three months , says the newspaper
Wall Street Journal

Computerworld, Spain

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