Governance Strengthens Security with New Motorized Patrol Units and Two Helicopters


Governance Strengthens Security with New Motorized Patrol Units and Two Helicopters

To strengthen the security of the state of Zulia, the municipalities of Marapaibo, San Francisco and Miranda received Tuesday 100 units of motor patrol, two helicopters, 16 mountain bikes and two ambulances.

The act of delivery was made at the bridgehead on Lake Maracaibo, where the governor of the Zulian entity, Omar Prieto Fernández, indicated that with these new police teams, an answer immediate response would be given to the population.

In the company of the mayors of Maracaibo, Willy Casanova; of San Francisco, Dirwings Arrieta and Miranda, Tiberio Bermúdez, and Deputy Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace, Ender Palencia, President Zuliano announced that several motorized units with four wheels would be in charge of protect the metropolitan axis; while the helicopter El Patriota will be part of the Police of San Francisco (Polisur) and El Curarite, will be part of the Bolivarian Police Corps of the State of Zulia.

The regional leader handed over the two ambulances to Ven 911. The helicopters as well as El Parroquiano, which is part of Polimaracaibo, will operate in the National Guard air command with the investigative agencies responsible for air patrols in the metropolitan area. .

During the ceremony, the governor handed the order of Lake Maracaibo first class to Secretary of Public Security and Order, Rubén Ramírez Cáceres, for his excellent work.

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