Government ready to make reparation to victims of human rights in Colonia Dignidad


The Minister of Foreign Affairs Roberto Ampuero held a working meeting in Berlin on Wednesday with his [German Heiko Maas . At the meeting, they reviewed the main problems of the bilateral relationship the situation in Latin America and Europe as well as international political issues.

Ampuero arrived Tuesday night from Brussels, where he participated. II Meeting of the Ministers Celac-European Union

After the meeting of Wednesday, held at headquarters of the German Foreign Ministry the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs declared that & he was "very close to Germany", while recalling having lived "in this city and also in the former GDR, in the late 70s, early 80s In 1982 I moved to the West, as He said then. "

He also thanked Minister Maas for" showing me the historical records of my former German school at Valparaíso. "

On the issues addressed in the meeting, the Secretary of State indicated that the two countries ] "We share so many values ​​and perspectives in international law, human rights, human rights, democracy, freedom, economics and commerce ". Maas added his interest to deepen cooperation, because Chile is like an anchor of stability in Latin America.

The German Minister also emphasized cooperation in energy issues, dual education and negotiation. Chile can count on the full support of the Federal Government in these negotiations, "he said.

In this context, Mr. Ampuero emphasized the coincidence of the points of view between Chile and the United States. Germany on free trade, "especially in those times when some talk too much about protectionism."


The two Secretaries of State also pointed out that in August meeting of the Joint Commission formed by the two countries in 2017 to deal with the historical memory of Colonia Dignidad

Ampuero indic or that " for the Chilean government, Colonia Dignidad is an important issue. We are willing to make progress on this issue. It is the recovery of historical memory for both countries and we must take the next steps to make concrete progress. You can be sure that Chile is on the side of human rights, democracy and freedom. "

Regarding the situation in Latin America, the two ministers expressed their concern for the crises in Venezuela and Nicaragua, Maas argued that" we are impressed that Chile welcomes many Venezuelans who have taken refuge. And not only Chile, other countries do the same thing. In this sense, we highly value Chile's role in this whole context, also within the framework of the Lima Group. It is a very valuable work done by Chile.

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